I should have known today was going to be bad right from the start. Someone BB'd my side view mirror overnight. Now I see 8 cars approaching on the left instead of the usual one. Not much of a difference really, I usually just go over when I want to anyway.
And the workout (see below) left me out of sorts. Not the worst but not good either.
So along about 11 am my son Chris calls me. He has been working over at the house where we will be moving shortly so I expected some questions about what he was doing. Ha, silly me.
"Dad, I just wanted to tell you I'm taking the apptitude test for the Army tomorrow".
"Yeah, it's something I've been wanting to do far a while now".
"You know, Chris, now may not be a good time to join. There's a lot of fighting going on".
"Yeah, I know, I'm signing up for a combat division".
At this point I had to end the conversation. It's not something you want to hear over the phone.
And I started to think back. Ten years ago when the kids mother decided she no longer wanted that job I stood by them, knowing that they would be best staying with me. I've always been open with them and include them in any plans I would be making as they would also affect them. So to hear that he had been making these plans for some time completely blindsided me. I'm still stunned sitting here some 9 hours later.
I want to take him and say "THIS ISN'T FUCKING COUNTER-STRIKE, OR RAINBOW SIX. A HEAD SHOT REALLY DOES SOMETHING IN THE REAL WORLD". But he's 20, capable of making his own decisions, no matter how bizarre they may seem to me. Maybe I've been Mom too long.
Fuck, this is going to blow.