Saturday, June 30, 2007

Come Talk to Me

Had an interview yesterday. The company is a competitor of my former place of employment so I have knowledge of who they are and what they do. I met yesterday with the director of credit for the east coast and one of the regional credit managers. The director starts by saying "Before we get into discussing the job I like to go over some points about your resume". Fair enough and not unexpected. But then he pulls out the paper - we're going to play 20 questions. Among them - "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" "At this point in my life I'm hoping to see myself retired in 10 years." (chuckles all around) "What kind of pressure do you have on the job?" "If I have pressure on the job it's self-inflicted." (puzzled look) "If you hire me it's with certain expectations. If I meet or exceed them then there's no pressure. If I don't there is. And that's my fault".

Finally the director turns it over to the regional CM (I'm older than both of them and have been doing this job for longer than both. You'd think that with over 20 years of experience they'd show me a little resp...sorry, I just channeled someone else there for a minute ;) ). Anyway, the regional guy asks me a pretty open-ended question and we have a nice chat for the next 20 minutes. After that we discuss the position, I ask some questions as we go along and make some analysis that, I think, made a few light bulbs go on. All in all the interview went on for about an hour and a half. There's no doubt in my mind I could do this job, and do it well. But that decision is not up to me.

I have another interview on Thursday. Different industry, which really intrigues me. I'm always up for a good challenge, especially when it comes to work. Plus this job would pay better than the competitor would. It's a much larger company with a recognizable name. I'm really looking forward to this one.

So, I'm hoping that one of these come through. And now I have to do some car shopping. I'll need something soon if they do.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cry, Baby

It seems like the "coach" has his panties in a bunch again. Poor guy, he's so misunderstood. Actually, he's the one who doesn't understand.

You may have a love-hate feeling about the internet but you have a hate-hate feeling about internet forums. Maybe it's because you've spent so many years in the small world of a college strength coach, with a captive audience that must listen to you without question or they don't get to play. But us "bleacher bums" do question what we read, it's how we learn. I'm sure you didn't form your training philosophy without questioning what you were being taught. But you expect a different reaction from us. All that does is make you look like a pompous ass.

And it's funny that you insult us when we are actually your market. Go look how many fitness books are in the Amazon top 100 (I'll save you time - there are none). I doubt very many know your name in the gym I go to. And that gym has over 3,000 members. Do you think you're a household name in many gyms across the country? I doubt that too. The internet fitness forum is your market, and yet you insult and try alienate it, calling us bums, saying we're not intelligent or competent enough to decide whether a product is good enough to spend on.

Have you ever gone to a movie and thought it was so bad that you were sorry you wasted your money on it? Have you ever told a friend not to waste their money? But you're not an actor, or director, or screenwriter. What gives you the right to say that? Oh, that's right, you're a consumer. You see, big guy, while the others in your fitness trainers circle jerk club can stroke you and say "Dos, it's the bomb" they don't matter. Because I have something they don't have - my money. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of writing a book, of trying to make a name for yourself is to make my money your money. And if I spend my money and in my opinion your programs sucks, your writing style is irritating, even if your binding is of inferior quality, as the consumer I have every right to say that.

But you don't have to worry, "coach", I won't offend you with a negative review of your book. Because I guarantee there is no way it will make it on to my bookshelf. And it's not because I don't see you as a competent coach and teacher. I know full well you are. It's because of your piss-poor attitude. But hey, it's not like you're the only one who teaches this stuff. I'm sure I can find someone just as competent who I'll enjoy giving my money to. You're probably thinking "It's only one book". Is it?

PS - I found it funny that you whine about internet keyboard jockeys and bloggers and yet this was the forum you chose for your tirade. Comical, to say the least. Toodles.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thank God It's Friday

I think I have to post at least every Friday or G wonders where I've been.

But the days just keep rolling into one. I'm not on the normal week schedule like everyone else. Everyday seems like the weekend. That's not good.

Not much going on with the job front. A couple of places that had my resume have put off hiring right now. I did have a phone interview yesterday. Turns out the company is a direct competitor of my former employer so I would know the company, the job and the industry quite well. I hope I impressed the HR person (she didn't really understand the nuances of the job, didn't even realize I worked for a competitor) to get an in person interview. She said she would have my resume to the hiring manager by next week so we'll see.

But I'm running out of time. Only two more weeks of severance and then...who knows. Unemployment won't cover everything. I may have to convert my equity asset (house) into a more liquid position. Which would suck. The boys will be so disappointed, and I hate disappointing them again.

Edited to add: They must be interested. I've traded a dozen emails this morning just on a good cover letter for my resume. Keep your fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

All Over You

In the last two days I have received a dozen emails from the various fitness newsletter sources I have subscribed to. All of them telling me about this unbelievable offer from one trainer that expires tomorrow night and an offer I can't live without. With lots of "free" stuff. And some of them are exactly the same, word for word. It's a fitness trainers circle jerk club.

Going to see Live tomorrow night in New Jersey. Saw them last year at the same club, the Starland Ballroom, a nice small club where you can be within a few feet of the stage if you choose. I'm really surprised that this band hasn't become more popular than they are. When I tell people I'm going to see them the most common reaction is "Who?" These guys play kick ass rock n roll and their songs have great messages. This concert is perfect timing, I can sure use this now. Check out the video for "The River"

Edited to add: THEY KICKED FUCKING ASS!! My hearing should return by Sunday, I hope.