Under Pressure
Decision time. I've decided that tomorrow I give my 2 week notice. Since they made the announcment to us back in February they've taken the heart out of this job. Where I had felt that what I had been doing was good and important to the company there is now a big void and I feel that it's unimportant, that I'm unimportant. Throw in a commute that I'm not enjoying and it makes going there an extremely difficult task. And my feelings about this has started drifting into other areas of my life and that's not good. So it has to be over.
This bites because I really liked this job. The people in my office are good friends and I feel bad for them too, we're all in the same boat. And I'm going to miss the people in our other offices that I've been able to get to know and work with. There's a collective feeling around the company that my office is not the last to go. Not good.
So last day will be April 11th, a couple of days in Little Rock and then to the job search. To that end I went on an interview at an employment agency today. I think it went well, it was good practice to talk about what I had done and get me more comfortable for future interviews. I think I impressed the guy with what I have done and damn I look good in a suit ;-)
So I'm feeling good about this decision and don't you know something else has to come up to keep the pressure on. It seems my good friend Tony (Gobbla of the gobblog listed over on the right)(good friend even though I haven't met him in person yet - don't fuck up your pass to next year's summit) thinks that I have some admirable qualities. Damn, this is going to be tough to live up to. (Thanks, bud)