The Spark
23.8% on the Omron this morning. That works out to 41 lbs of fat. That got this lardass back in the gym right quick this morning.
23.8% on the Omron this morning. That works out to 41 lbs of fat. That got this lardass back in the gym right quick this morning.
I've been having some difficulty motivating myself lately. And I really can't pinpoint it to something that is causing this. I have no complaints about how life is treating me, I'm healthy, have good kids, great friends, nice place to live, good job. But I have this general malaise that has crept in and I can't seem to shake it. And I'm usually pretty good at shaking it off. And that probably has me worried more than anything. Rather than coming out of this I'm in a holding pattern. I need to find that spark. But where?
Joe Pierce has moved into the thick of things. Joe is in the Army and had been stationed in Germany for the past year and a half. Joe is in an armored division working in tanks. On Sunday his group moved from Germany to a staging area in Kuwait. From there they will be heading to Baghdad, which should happen in a few days. His tour over there should be about 1 year and if all goes well he should be discharged in November 2007.
I went out to the see the boys this weekend. I haven't seen Sean or Scott since June 28th, the longest time we've been apart ever. They've been staying with their grandparents out in Sag Harbor, NY for the summer. This is the third summer they have gone out there. The grandparents, Jim and Diane, don't get to see them a lot during the year so they really enjoy having them out there. And the kids seem to really enjoy it too, playing a lot of golf and spending a lot of time at the beach.
I started thinking about friendships today. Actually, a conversation I was having with a friend started me thinking about it. I was thinking not about the friends I have but the ones that got away. What was it that made them end?